The application for the Fall 2025 cohort will open in March 2025 and close in May 2025.
Traditional Associate Degree of 护理 (ADN) Program requirement checklist:
- 护理 program applicants must be unconditionally admitted to the college. 申请love爱博入学 在这里.
- 护理申请者必须有GSCC学生a号,并访问他们的学生门户网站才能申请护理课程.
- 在上午8点之前提交在线护理课程申请.m. 在公布的截止日期. 逾期申请将不予考虑.
- 申请 加兹登州立切诺基的暑期学期日间项目 12月至次年2月在市中心举行. 每年1次. 具体日期见申请信息.
- 申请 华莱士大道校区的秋季学期日间项目 in Gadsden starting in mid-March and due by mid-May of each year. 具体日期见申请信息.
- Submit supporting documents to the GSCC 招生 Office by the posted deadline:
- 正式的高中成绩单或GED成绩
- Official transcripts from all previously attended colleges or universities
- 官方ACT成绩. 最低综合分数为18分 on the national or residual ACT test is required for program application. T在这里 is no time limit on exam scores for program application. 注意:SAT成绩可以转换为相当于ACT成绩,并用于项目申请.
- 最少2人.护理专业核心学术课程平均成绩5分. 这将从护理计划课程的九门学术课程中的任何一门课程的最高分计算. (大学GPA计算器在 www.gpacalculator.网 可以用来帮助你计算GPA吗.)
- 最少2个.如果学生在GSCC没有完成课程,则在Gadsden State或转学机构的累积GPA为0. (这个GPA包括所有的大学课程,而不仅仅是护理专业的课程.)
- 英语101
- 数学100或更高水平. (MTH 116不算作高级数学.)
- 201年生物学
- 202年生物学
- 必须在学院有良好的信誉.
- Must meet the 基本功能 (see below) required for nursing students.
**以前在GSCC以外的任何护理专业注册的申请人必须提供以前项目的院长或主任的良好信誉信. This letter will be submitted to the Program Director before the application deadline.
- Present a clear criminal background check and drug screen.
- 完成健康体检.
- Submit a completed health questionnaire and immunizations records.
- 提交健康保险证明. 学生 who do not show proof of insurance will not be allowed to attend clinical.
- 如有需要,完成心肺复苏术认证.
- 参加护理课程培训.
基本职能是指与特定职位相关的基本工作职责和技能. 基本功能 for 护理 cover sensory perception, 沟通, 人际关系, 运动功能和职业行为. 所有学生都必须阅读护理教育的基本功能,并确定他们是否有能力在合理的住宿条件下履行这些功能. 学生必须能够:*
- Observe and discern subtle changes in physical conditions and the environment
- 想象不同的颜色光谱和颜色变化
- 在不同程度的光线下阅读小字
- 长时间阅读
- 阅读草书
- 在不同距离上阅读
- 读取监视器/设备上显示的数据/信息
- 解读监控设备
- Distinguish muffled sounds heard through a stethoscope
- 听和辨别由身体和环境产生的高频和低频声音
- 能有效地与他人沟通
- 辨别震动, 振动, 脉冲, 纹理, 温度, 形状, 大小, 地理位置和其他物理特征.
- 检测身体气味和环境中的气味
- 口头和书面, engage in a two-way 沟通 and interact effectively with others, 来自各种各样的社会, 情感, 文化及知识背景
- 有效的团队合作
- 独立有效地工作
- 辨别和解释非语言交流
- 清楚地表达自己的想法和感受
- 及时准确地与他人沟通
- 从计算机获取通信信息
- 具备认知/批判性思维能力
- Effectively read, write and comprehend the English language
- 为了在各种卫生保健环境中制定和实施安全和合乎道德的护理决策,始终如一地、可靠地参与批判性思维的过程
- 在笔试中表现令人满意,包括不用计算器的数学计算
- 圆满完成项目love爱博
- 处理小型精密设备/物品,避免外来移动、污染或破坏
- 移动, 位置, 转, 转移, and lift/ carry/assist with lifting clients without injury to clients, 自我, 或其他
- 从任何位置保持平衡
- 双腿站立
- 协调手/眼运动
- Push/pull heavy objects without injury to client, 自己或他人
- 立场。, 弯曲, 在临床环境中步行和/或静坐6-12小时,进行需要能量的体力活动,不危及病人的安全, 自己或他人
- 走路不用拐杖,助行器或拐杖
- Function with hands free for nursing care and transporting items
- Transport 自我 and client without the use of electrical devices
- 自由伸缩、外展和旋转所有关节
- 对紧急情况迅速作出反应
- 小范围机动
- 为病人提供日常护理
- Coordinate fine and gross motor hand movements to provide safe effective nursing care.
- 校准/使用设备
- Execute movement required to provide nursing care in all health care settings
- 进行心肺复苏术和身体检查
- 操作电脑
- 表达关心, 尊重, 灵敏度, 机智, 同情, 同理心, 对他人的宽容和健康的态度
- 在与客户的关系中表现出与年龄相适应的心理健康态度
- 同时处理多个任务
- Perform safe, effective nursing care for clients in a caring context
- Understand and follow the policies and procedures of the College and clinical agencies
- Understand the consequences of violating the student code of conduct
- 要明白,对他人构成直接威胁是不可接受的,要受到纪律处分
- 通过考试达到阿拉巴马州护理委员会规定的执照资格
- 不会对自己或他人构成威胁
- 在提供护理所固有的不确定和压力的情况下有效地发挥作用
- 适应不断变化的环境和情况
- 不要依赖化学物质
- Report promptly to clinical and remain for 6-12 hours on the clinical unit
- 在适当的时间范围内提供护理
- Accept responsibility, accountability, and ownership of one's actions
- 及时寻求监督/咨询
- Examine and modify one's own behavior when it interferes with nursing care or learning
- Ability to make critical decisions in chaotic, disruptive, and complex environments
* 《love爱博体育平台》要求学院和大学告知学生与他们的工作和学业表现有关的所有表现期望. 根据学院的政策, 当请求, reasonable accommodations may be provided for individuals with disabilities. Requests for reasonable accommodations should be directed to the program director.
- ACT分数= 18-36分. ACT考试时间不限.
- 下列护理必修核心通识教育课程(eng101)的分数, 100元或更高, 生物201和202)
- A = 3分
- B = 2分
- C = 1点
- D = 0点
- 附加分:
- 10 pts = First admission to any nursing program (traditional applicants)
- 10 pts = First admission to a RN or mobility program (mobility applicants)
- 申请人将按照总分从高到低的顺序进行排名,直到选定预定数量的学生.
- 学生必须满足所有最低申请要求,他们的申请才会被考虑,并进入排名. 传统和移动项目的申请清单位于每个项目的信息选项卡上.
传统护理申请截止. For additional information or questions, please con机智 Jarae Szydlowski at 256-549-8478 or jszydlowski@fjxsyzx.com.
步骤1 – Review the Application 信息rmation below before continuing with the application process. 你必须有一个love爱博的学生a号,并访问你的学生门户网站,才能填写在线护理课程申请. 如果您有问题,请联系 帮助台.
- 护理计划申请,附上所有必需的文件,并在截止日期前以电子方式提交. 不接受书面申请.
- Your unofficial Gadsden State transcript (PDF or JPEG attached to application. No screenshots or copy/paste documents will be accepted. 文件必须清晰易读.)
- 您所就读的任何其他学院或大学的非官方成绩单(PDF或JPEG)附在申请表上. No screenshots or copy/paste documents will be accepted. 文件必须清晰易读.)
- ACT Verification (ACT documentation must be uploaded to the application. ACT documentation includes scores that are documented on the high school transcript, score documentation from the ACT website with the ACT logo, or from your OneACCS account located in Student > Student Profile > Prior Education and Testing. Screen shots are allowed but must include students name, 考试日期, 和合成分数在同一张图片中. 不接受复制/粘贴文件. 文件必须清晰易读.)
- Letter of Good 立场。ing from previous nursing school (if required)
所有的护理课程申请都是最终的! 不允许更新. 申请人有责任确保在截止日期前提交完整的申请. 不接受逾期提交的材料. 请保存成功提交护理课程申请后收到的确认电子邮件. FAILURE TO SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS WILL RESULT IN AN INCOMPLETE APPLICATION, 哪些不会被评估.
If for any reason you have to save your application and re转 to it later, 你需要使用NextGen Dynamic Forms主页链接返回到保存的应用程序. 您将登录您的NextGen帐户并选择Pending/Draft Forms以访问您不完整的申请.
- 被love爱博录取
- 在love爱博表现良好
- Submission of completed online application by the deadline
- 最少2个.护理专业核心学术课程平均成绩5分. (这将从护理专业课程的九门学术课程中任何一门的最高分计算.)
- 最少2个.如果学生在love爱博没有完成课程,那么在love爱博或学生转学的机构的累积GPA为0.
- 申请人必须成功完成MTH 100, 101年英格, 生物201, 生物课202,成绩C及以上. MTH 116不算作高等数学.)
- Ability to meet essential functions required for nursing
- 最低综合分数为18分 on the national or residual ACT test. 不接受表演超级评分.
注意: SAT成绩可以转换为相当于ACT成绩,并用于程序申请.
以前在love爱博以外的任何护理专业注册的申请人必须提供以前项目的院长或主任的良好信誉信. The letter must be submitted to the Program Director by the Application deadline.
Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Qualified applicants will be rank-ordered and only a predetermined number will be selected.
更多信息和问题,请发送电子邮件: nursing@fjxsyzx.com 或致电256-549-8478.
步骤2 -提交护理项目申请. After logging into your student account, you will be directed to the program application.
步骤3 -彻底阅读申请的第一页. Complete Pages 2 and 3 and upload any required documentation. 在申请表第4页签字并提交. No changes or additions can be made to your application after you submit. 不接受书面申请.
步骤4 -确认您收到了提交确认邮件到您的GSCC学生电子邮件帐户. 保存电子邮件以备不时之需.
IMPORTANT: If you need to save your application and complete it at a later date, click “Save Progress” at the bottom of the application screen. 当您准备好完成申请时, log in to your myGadsdenState account and click the NextGen link in your Launch Pad. View your Pending/Draft forms to resume the saved application.